KEYSTONE DOG TRAINING with MARY SMALLWOOD, CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL TRAINER Serving all of Pennsylvania's York County, Cumberland County and Dauphin County (717) 542-3427 keystonedogtrain@gmail.com |
Private one-on-one and group classes
Obedience Training
Evaluation Schedule a comprehensive evaluation to answer questions and/or concerns about your dog. Solutions with recommendations for most advantageous training approach will be provided.
Puppy Consultation Get a head start on growing a healthy bond between you and your new puppy. Understand your puppy�s stages of learning, find out how to establish a leadership role and begin teaching your newest family member how to live in his new pack. A pattern of communication is established early to begin your future together as a satisfying one.
Private instruction and group classes available When your dog enters its new world of your home, he will be looking to you for help in understanding his place in the family hierarchy. Be easy on yourself; invest the time to learn how to communicate with your dog. All family members will learn alongside their dog how to grow a healthy relationship. Training is fundamental toward that end.
8 weeks to 16 weeks of age
Congratulations, your puppy has arrived! He will be learning new things every day. Be proactive and help him learn positive ways to communicate. As you demonstrate to your puppy appropriate ways to interact and react, you will see him learn how to work through the common puppy behaviors of chewing, jumping, play biting and more. Teach your puppy socialization skills and it�s not too early to introduce sit, down and come on leash.
4 months and older
The adolescent months arrive between four and nine months. Your dog�s curiosity about the world around him may challenge you. This is an important time to reinforce house rules, provide boundaries and teach manners. Learn how to create a learning environment as you teach him to sit, down, stay, come, and walk nicely on leash. Learn how to turn behavior problems around with leadership exercises, physical and mental stimulation and socialization to people, places and other animals. Be ready for Canine Good Citizen certification if that is your goal!
Obedience at its best: teach your dog to become off leash proficient in pre-determined areas of safety. Proof your dog with reinforcement exercises in busy public places. Advance him to the freedom of responding to commands while happily romping off leash.
Keystone Dog Training and Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services have teamed up to offer a five week course for dogs and handlers to prepare for their workshop assessment. The course is designed for those who feel their dog needs a little more work before their assessment to become a pet therapy team. Go to www.kpets.org for more information or check under current group classes for more information.
Dog Selection
What is the right dog for you? Puppy or adult, large or small, rescue or breeder, high energy or low? These are a few of the questions we can help you answer as you make one of the most important decisions of your life. Compatibility is the first ingredient to a healthy relationship with your dog. Let us help you take the first step.
Family Pet Counseling
Leadership techniques Practical living with your dog Balancing kids and dogs Preparation for the incoming baby Preparation for the incoming dog Nutrition and more�..
Call us to begin now! (717) 542-3427